Tuesday, June 8, 2010

WebQuest Participants Comments

Remember to state the three MLC techniques you chose, stating why you think these are the most useful for CCCN...
Pedagogical Planning
Student behavior discipline
Create a learning environment
Each class needs to be well plan and organized
Keeping learners motivated and engaged
Diagnostic test at the beginning to discover each student strengths and needs
Help students develop their own learning goals
Set learning strategies that work well for them
EL needs to keep in mind students have a range of different abilities
Avoid labeling students as smart or stupid
Individualize interactions as much as possible
Learn students’ names or use name tags
Develop a rotation plan that brings attention to a particular set of students each day
El can encourage student responsibility and independence
Allow freedom to make choices, help with classroom logistics, and help each other

Classroom learning systems
Classroom needs to be organized in a way that facilitates student movement around the class
Establish a calm working environment with clear expectations and routines
Consistent student training at the beginning of the year helps set up systems for classroom logistics so students can move smoothly from one activity to another, shift in and out of group work quickly.
Self check and peer check student work
Classroom routines need to be clearly established and carefully followed
EL can keep explanations clear and brief
Putting the day’s agenda on the board at the beginning of class
Create purposeful activities that keep learners on task, and they can have additional self-directed activities available for students who finish early
Create smaller teaching units within the large group
When possible, give learners responsibility for choosing and doing individual projects in a group they have chosen
Display student work and projects
Use any available aids or volunteer help effectively

Student behavior (Discipline)
ELS have authority but it must be used selectively and wisely. We have an obligation to treat all students fairly, and to avoid humiliating them. If we respect them, they will respect us.
ELS can be proactive rather than reactive, establishing clear rules and expectations and then follow them for all students
Let students establish their own agreed-on classroom conduct guides
Consistency is crucial
Post rules on the wall
Use reward system and peer reinforcement so that the whole class works toward common behavioral goals.
Establish consequences for inappropriate behavior, and when needed apply those consequences in a fair and matter-of-fact manner
Postpone individual discipline matters until after class in order to save class time for learning
When planning, purposely create room for activities that require getting up and getting around or out of the classroom
Try to discover the reasoning for a particular behavior in case of consistent discipline problem